Jazz on the Back Deck 2021

March 20, 2021

Last July, in the midst of the pandemic, the Morris Museum launched a four-concert series, Jazz on the Back Deck. It was live music held atop the museum’s elevated parking deck, with strict protocols than ensured a safe environment.

This spring and summer, Jazz on the Back Deck is back with an ambitious 19-concert Thursday night series, starting with “Amani Plays Lionel Richie” on April 15 and finishing with clarinetist/saxophonist Dan Levinson on September 9. All concerts will begin at 7 p.m.

Here is the April-May schedule:

  • April 15: Amani Plays Lionel Richie
  • May 6: Mike Davis’ Belated Bix Beiderbecke Back Deck Birthday Bash
  • May 20: Dan Levinson: Singin’ and Swingin’ the Clouds Away
  • May 27: The Antoinette Montague Experience

Blocks of tickets are available for purchase, ranging in size from 8’ x 8’ (maximum two for $50) to 8’ x 16’ (maximum four for $100). Everyone should bring their own chairs and refreshments, and all audience members will be required to wear masks except when eating and drinking in their own block. Rain dates are the following evening for each concert.

Amani tickets are on sale now. May concerts are on sale now for Museum members; April 15 for the general public. For more information, log onto morrismuseum.org/jazz.


Photo by Jack Grassa

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